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Descriptor English:   Hylobates 
Descriptor Spanish:   Hylobates 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Hylobates 
Synonyms English:   Gibbons
Tree Number:   B01.150.900.649.801.400.112.420.390
Definition English:   A genus of the family HYLOBATIDAE consisting of six species. The members of this genus inhabit rain forests in southeast Asia. They are arboreal and differ from other anthropoids in the great length of their arms and very slender bodies and limbs. Their major means of locomotion is by swinging from branch to branch by their arms. Hylobates means dweller in the trees. Some authors refer to Symphalangus and Nomascus as Hylobates. The six genera include: H. concolor (crested or black gibbon), H. hoolock (Hoolock gibbon), H. klossii (Kloss's gibbon; dwarf siamang), H. lar (common gibbon), H. pileatus (pileated gibbon), and H. syndactylus (siamang). H. lar is also known as H. agilis (lar gibbon), H. moloch (agile gibbon), and H. muelleri (silvery gibbon). 
Indexing Annotation English:   gibbon, not monkey & not ape; NIM when exper animal: no qualif; when IM, qualif permitted; diseases: coord IM with specific dis /vet (IM)
History Note English:   91(81); was see under PONGIDAE 1981-90; was GIBBONS see under APES 1975-80 
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
abnormalities anatomy & histology
blood cerebrospinal fluid
classification embryology
growth & development genetics
immunology injuries
metabolism microbiology
physiology parasitology
psychology surgery
urine virology
Record Number:   7101 
Unique Identifier:   D006922 

Occurrence in VHL:
